

What is the Mangaverse?

We are setting out to create our own source material, our own IP, that is specialized for web3. This is what we call the mangaverse. The process of creating manga and anime has largely been perfected & optimized & we’re not here to reinvent the wheel. Instead, we’re making modifications in order to create a path to connect creators and fans directly, to open up what’s typically a closed-door process.


Mangaverse: Phase 1

Introducing Modular Storytelling

Phase 1 is to plant seeds for rich stories with community members involved along the way. Our creative development will be community driven.

Which character(s) should be the MC (main character)? What themes do you want the stories to explore? What tropes should be included? The creative team will solicit feedback from the community in shaping specific details of the story.

The output will be one-shots, story bibles, illustrations & concept art, animation tests, and various other intellectual property made by creators that adapts our NFTs into modular parts of our manga and anime universe. We plan to create NFTs alongside this set of outputs and give Shonen Junk holders priority access.