A Shinji Project

Chronicles of the Inhabited Worlds

The Federation of Inhabited Worlds

It's the 35th century, and humankind has successfully pioneered the frontier of outer space. Breakthroughs in transportation tech have long since obliterated distance as an obstacle, enabling no less than twenty independent colonies to take root (and thrive) on new worlds, orbiting new stars, in new corners of the galaxy. And in the process, a new path has emerged for a species once on the brink of self-extinction, a path now fueled by a recharged sense of optimism and hope.

The Federation of Inhabited Worlds was born from that mindset, and from a collective commitment to foster peace and liberty across all of humanity's burgeoning new cultures. Its core purposes are to govern interstellar diplomacy, protect territorial independence, and to ensure that the lightyears of space separating these colonies remain neutral, nonproprietary and conflict-free.

The political body responsible for establishing Federation policy is the Galactic Senate, an assembly of representatives from every established colony galaxy-wide. Each colony exists as an independent nation, entitled to determine its own rule of law. And as a general rule, the Galactic Senate is careful to avoid setting policies that might get in the way, or otherwise might inhibit the ability to develop at its own pace.

Click here to learn more about the Federation's early historyHowever, some notable disagreements during the Federation's early years prompted the need for a few pieces of stronger legislation. For example, the Anderson Charter gives the Federation absolute authority over intergalactic mining and extraction rights, requiring any local company or government to secure licenses through the Senate. Another key example is what's referred to as Hurbach's Law, named after the senator who originally proposed the bill, which forbids any colony from maintaining or operating a space-capable military. This referendum was ratified by the citizenry at large, rather than by the Senate, with overwhelming popular support, leading directly to the formation of the Solar Alliance as the Federation's dedicated peacekeeping force.

Key Historical Events

Year (GD)
1 GD
5 GD
31 GD
32 GD
45 GD
457 GD
459 GD
460 GD
480 GD
491 GD
494 GD
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510 GD
511 GD
546 GD
583 GD
620 GD
644 GD
728 GD
744 GD
745 GD
755 GD
786 GD
797 GD
846 GD
909 GD
920 GD
947 GD
948 GD
951 GD
975 GD
985 GD
990 GD
1013 GD
1014 GD
1016 GD
1066 GD
The Unification War commences, marking the last major conflict between Earth nations.
Alcubierre Engine, the first propulsion thruster capable of relativistic speeds (max speed 0.6c).
World leaders unite to form the Earth Federation, humankind's first global government.
The Earth Federation reconstitutes as the Federation of Sol.
Mars colony is founded.
Venus colony is founded.
Armed combat erupts between private corporations over the system's dwindling resource supply, instigating the War of Companies.
Major mining companies ratify the Anderson Charter, ceding oversight of all galactic resources to the Federation and bringing the War of Companies to an end.
SLM Mk VI thruster (max speed 4c).
First settlement in the Alpha Centauri System. Earth-2 colony is founded as an artificial habitat in orbit around Centauri B, while terraforming commences on Plahji.
First settlement in the Ran System. Eridanian Republic colony is founded.
SLM Mk VII thruster (max speed 40c).
First settlement in the 61 Cygni System. Swan Hegemony colony is founded.
First settlements in the Tau Ceti and Achird Systems. Union of Shintan Republics and Star Kingdom of Achird colonies are founded.
The Federation of Sol reconstitutes as the Federation of Inhabited Worlds.
SLM Mk VIII thruster (max speed 80c).
First settlement in the Surya System. Rajni colony is founded.
SLM Mk X thruster (max speed 128c).
First settlement in the Appalachian System. New Boston colony is founded.
SLM Mk XI thruster (max speed 140c).
First settlement in the Kitai System. Honshu colony is founded.
First settlement in the Taranis System. Esus colony is founded.
First settlement in the Asgard System. Gladsheim colony is founded.
Sanjna colony is founded.
SLM Mk XII thruster (max speed 148c).
First settlement in the Luthien System. New Angeles colony is founded.
Hypercom Beacon, enabling hyperspace-powered interstellar communication.
The Galactic Calendar is adopted as the new, interstellar standard across all Federation colonies. May 18, 2265 is retroactively formalized as its Day 1/Year 1, commemorating the first successful test of the Alcubierre Engine.
Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Kyushu colonies are founded.
First settlement in the Epona System. Ethelion colony is founded.
Series of smaller incidents lead to the outbreak of the Senatorial Wars.
SLM Mk XIII thruster (max speed 156c).
Gayhart Mk I Cannon, powered by a new crystalline mineral discovered in the Barnard System.
Flightbase Beacon, enabling hyperspace-powered interstellar travel.
Federation citizens defy the Senate majority by voting to establish an independent galactic peacekeeping force, the Solar Alliance.
The Camelot Starbase is launched, in orbit around Mars, as the hub for the Solar Alliance's core space fleet.
First settlement in the Rhea System. Thalia colony is founded.
Swan Hegemony surrenders to the Solar Alliance, ending the Senatorial Wars.
The Solar Alliance's founder and first Space Marshal, Frenk Hurbach, is assassinated.

The Solar Alliance

Under the authority of the Galactic Senate, the Solar Alliance's stated mission is to uphold peace within the Federation, to protect its citizens, and to enforce interstellar law.

The Solar Alliance, like the Galactic Senate and other major Federation institutions, is headquartered on Earth (though this is mostly for symbolic reasons, not practical ones, as more than 95% of the human race now lives elsewhere). There, the Space Marshal serves as chief commanding officer, overseeing an extensive organization with a reach that stretches over 5000 lightyears. A massive network of spacecraft and Solar Alliance servicemembers are deployed across seven discrete Military Regions (MR's) and belong to one of four branches: the Space Navy, the Communications Service, the Space Army, and the Intelligence Service.

A SHINJI Project
— Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno —